BSides Boston 2020: Robot Takeover

September 28, 2020




We are given a static webpage with some text saying:


… and not much else. An obvious first step is to look at /robots.txt

This gives us:


So seemingly it wants us to access the given .txt files with the provided user-agent headers.

Using python requests to do this, we get several HTTP responses with text: REJOICE, ROBOT. THE CHARACTER OF THE FLAG AT INDEX 24 IS THE SAME CHARACTER AT INDEX 6 IN THIS FILENAME.

Ok cool, we can get the flag by looking at the provided indices in the filename. Only problem was that only 4 of the endpoints returned a message like this, meaning we only had 4 characters of the flag.

After checking robots.txt again, I got this page:


robots.txt gives us different content each time we refresh! This gives us a path to the flag: * request robots.txt * send GET requests to each endpoint with the given User-Agent header * build out the flag with the collected chars * repeat until we have the full flag


I continued using Python requests to solve this challenge. In summary, my script makes continuous requests to /robots.txt, carves out the User-agent information and the corresponding endpoints, makes requests to those endpoints with the User-agent header set appropriately, checks if we get a response telling us a character in the flag, carves out the index of the character in the filename, carves out index of character in the flag, and finally, holds all found flag characters in a list.

import requests
import time

flag = ['*' for i in range(35)]

while '*' in flag: robots_url = '' session = requests.Session() r = session.get(robots_url) chunks = r.text.split('\n\n') for ch in chunks: user_agent = ch.split('\n')[0].split('User-agent: ')[1] endpoints = [] lines = ch.split('\n')[1:-1] for l in lines: endpoints.append(l.split('Disallow: ')[1]) headers = {'User-agent': user_agent} for ep in endpoints: url = f'{ep}' try: r = session.get(url, headers=headers) except ConnectionError: pass if 'REJOICE' in r.text: flag_index = int(r.text.split('AT INDEX ')[1].split(' ')[0]) filename_index = int(r.text.split('AT INDEX ')[2].split(' ')[0]) ep = ep[1:] print(ep) print('\t' + r.text) print(f'flag index: {flag_index}') print(f'file index: {filename_index}') flag[flag_index] = ep[filename_index] print(''.join(flag)) time.sleep(0.1)

Finally, I get to sit back and watch as the flag is formed:

png png